Born group front end developer interview from

I am sharing my experience of Born Group Front End Developer Interview process. Initially HR called me and had an initial chit chat questions about my experience and technologies worked. After they set up with interview with senior technical person. This is a first round set of questions posted here.


1. Explain about HTML5 new elements?

2. Difference between localstorage & session storage?

3. What is Websocket API and Where will you use?


1. Explain about CSS3 transform?

2. What is CSS3 Preprocessors? What are all preprocessors you have used?

3. What is mixin in SAAS? How do you create mixin and use in css?

4. What is nested css3 styling?

5. Explain about CSS pseudo class and pseudo element?

6. What is Flex in CSS3?

7. What is Box model in CSS3?


1. What are all ES6 features you know?

2. What is Object Prototype?

3. Difference between pass by value and pass by reference in javascript?

4. What is Call, Apply and Bind in javascript? Explain which scenario will be useful?

5. What is closures?


1. Difference between class based component and function based component in reactjs?

2. What is useState and props in reactjs? Explain about it

3. Explain about how virtualDom works in reactjs?

4. What is higher order components in reactjs?

5. What are error-boundaries in reactjs?

6. What is Redux? Why need to use redux in react?

Kindly provide your queries in comments. We will clarify as much as we can. Also, comment other questions, if you have experienced. We will grow together as community.

By Gopi M

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