maersk interview questions

I am sharing my maersk senior frontend developer interveiw experience. Initially HR called me and had an initial chit chat questions about my experience and technologies worked. After they set up with interview with senior technical person. This is a first round set of questions posted here. We will keep you posted other round questions one by one.


1. What is HTML5 and What are all New Elements Introduced?


1. What is Flex and When we need Flex?

2. What is CSS Preprocessor?

3. What are all preprocessor you have experience?

4. What is Responsive Design? How you have implemented in your project?

5. What are multiple breakpoints for devices in responsive design?

6. How do you center a div?

7. What is box model in css?


1. Difference between forEach and map?

2. Difference between call and apply?

3. What is bind and when do you need call, apply and bind?

4. What is javascript hoisting?

5. Difference between var, let and const?

6. How do you clone variable? What are all types of cloning available?


1. What are lifecycle methods available in react?

2. What is higher order component?

3. What is styled components and explain how you have implemented?

4. What is useEffect in react?

5. What is useState in react?

6. What are all other hooks you have used in your project?

7. What is useMemo in react?

8. What is redux and explain redux pattern?

9. When do you choose redux and when do you avoid redux in react?

10. What are the ways you have managed state in react?

11. Difference between useMemo and useCallback?


1. What are lifecycle methods available in Angular?

2. How do you manage state in Angular?

3. Different types of directives available in Angular?

4. What is pure pipe and explain inbuilt pipes available in Angular?

5. What are Unit Testing framework using in your project?

6. What is percentage criteria maintaining for Unit test in your project?

7. How do you handle CI/CD in your project and explain about deployment process?

First round completed with above initial set of questions. Kindly add any queries in comment below. We will help on queries. Do share with friends and will grow together as community. Best of luck for career preparation!!!

maersk interview questions

By Gopi M

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